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Open Positions

Below are all the current positions Substitute Teacher Service has to offer.

Please apply under one listing only; additional job types can be added during the hiring process. Thank you.

Substitute Teachers

Substitute Support Staff

Specialty Positions

Para Services

One of the challenges of substitute teaching, no matter the classroom, is having a strong classroom presence. That special “je ne sais quoi” is difficult to teach and often thought of as partly an innate ability, but that doesn’t mean those that may struggle a bit more than others can’t be coached. 

So if you lack in this natural skill, we’ll give you some tips on how to be the one students gravitate towards and create a magnetic presence in the classroom.

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Ever wonder what it takes to become a substitute teacher? The truth is, plenty of people have the personality traits and credentials to become substitute teachers, but they just don’t know it. Their undiscovered talents go to waste doing something they’re not passionate about instead.

Your unrealized potential could be put to use as a substitute teacher. So what qualities do substitute teachers possess? And, do you have any (or all) of these qualities? Keep reading to see if you’re a substitute teacher waiting to be discovered.

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The school year is over (or just about), and it’s the perfect time for personal reflection. What did you get done that you’d hoped? What were your biggest accomplishments and the things that you want to work on?

And while it’s pretty tempting to kick back and enjoy the summer months, lounging by the pool and getting the things done you wish you had earlier in the year, it’s best to use this time to also plan ahead. No, we don’t mean for students—we mean for you!

Setting a few simple goals over the summer to improve your work as a substitute teacher will greatly affect the way you start the next year, and when summer rolls around again, you’ll relish in how much more you improved and learned. So, what goals should you be setting? Read on to find out!

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You’ve been a student before, so you remember the feeling you had at the end of the school year. You were dying to bust through the doors with the entire summer ahead of you. You planned each and every adventure you were going to have and all the fun that would happen with friends and family.

If you’re on the opposite end of this daydream, though, teaching can be a bit difficult. As an educator, you see the look in student’s eyes. You can tell the motivation levels are low and that everyone (maybe including you) is fantasizing about the summer break. Just because it’s the end of the school year, there are still benchmarks that need to be met and standards that need to be adhered to, but what ever is an educator to do?

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We know just how important it is to focus on hiring permanent school staff, but take a second to think about how important it is to screen substitute teachers. You want to ensure you’re hiring the absolute best candidates available, and substitute teachers play an astoundingly large part in your school’s operations.

Substitute teachers affect student behavior and achievement and can spend several months working in your school, with your staff and your students. A good substitute teacher and an unqualified one can mean the difference between student education and achievement stalling or continuing in the teacher’s absence, uninterrupted.

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The golden years. A time to enjoy retirement, spend time with family and plan out all the things you’d meant to do when you were younger. To do the things that are both fun and challenging, to make time for yourself and get all that you can out of life.

Now that you’re away from the office and have decided to keep it that way, you’re ready to explore, do more and have fun, only to realize...it’s not all it’s cracked up to be. Maybe you miss the interaction with people, the satisfaction of contributing to society, or heck, even getting a paycheck. Whatever the reason, the feeling is completely normal.

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Just like any other profession, you can search for substitute teachers on the interwebs and find a wealth of information—guides, jobs, articles and even pop culture references (have you seen that Key and Peele sketch?). Some of it is informational (hint...like STS!) others, a collection of fun, like comics, movies, and silly books.

But these pieces aren’t something you should just dismiss! In fact, books (even the silly kind) are a great way to not only break the ice as the substitute teacher but to offer up to parents of younger children who may need an explanation. We’ve done the honors and rounded up an assemblage of books perfect for both situations. Don’t take it too seriously, rather see the books for what they are—a super fun way to pay tribute to all the amazing things substitute teachers do!

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There’s nothing worse than starting a new substitute teaching job full of confusing acronyms and jargon that has you completely lost in the sauce. Not only are you nervous about doing the right things and impressing the right people, but you’re trying to solidify your credibility by wading through the endless sea of words and phrases you’re unfamiliar with.

Just like any other job, substitute teaching is full of new things to learn, and if you’re someone who values showing up to your new job as prepared as possible, ready to tackle the task at hand, then you’ll appreciate our list of education-related jargon. Print it out, take it with you, and you’ll never be lost in a conversation with education professionals again!

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If you’re still picking up a newspaper to look for your next job, you may need to make some updates to how you’re searching for your next career. Job searching has come a long way in the past decade, offering potential employees (and employers) plenty of options when looking for the ideal gig.

In fact, there are so many job resources, websites and methods at your disposal that it can prove to be a challenge to focus on your best options or uncover the best way to find your perfect career. If you’re ready for a new job or even a career change, check out 5 of the best ways to score your dream job.

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What does it take to become a substitute teacher in Pennsylvania? Aside from tenacity, a love of education and a passion for helping others, there are a few requirements future substitute teachers need to have before beginning this exciting voyage.

Whether you’re a retiree, recent college grad or even a stay-at-home parent (
to name a few), the requirements are still the same. And even though the demand for substitute teachers is high, lacking these simple requirements will leave you feeling frustrated. So, if you’re ready to take on the exciting challenge of substitute teaching, keep reading for our steps to get started in the Keystone state.

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5 Reasons Substitute Teaching Provides More Than You Think

There are a lot of myths and misconceptions out there about what subbing is, and about what it isn’t. That’s why we developed this helpful guide to show you the benefits of substitute teaching. get started on the right career path that is ideal for where you are.

Download your guide

3 Ways to Improve Your Classroom Presence

One of the challenges of substitute teaching, no matter the classroom, is having a strong classroom presence. That special “je ne sais quoi” is difficult to teach and often thought of as partly an innate ability, but that doesn’t mean those that may struggle a bit more than others can’t be coached.

Read the blog post
Useful Links

These links will take you to all the necessary resources you need in order to apply to Substitute Teacher Services.

PA Act 34 – PA State Police Clearance ($22.00)
PA Act 114 – FBI Fingerprinting: ($23.85) 
     *Instructions for FBI Fingerprinting click here

  ***You will be emailed your unofficial results. You will only have 1 chance to save(as PDF) or print your FBI Fingerprinting results after you click the link in your email.  Afterwards, you will not have access to the results***

PA Act 151 – Child Abuse: ($13.00)
TIMS Teacher Certification Application System

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